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A Call to Pastors and Christian
“While sin is a very real
personal problem, it is not exclusively individuals who fall short of the
mark God sets for them. Whole churches sin grievously as do all other
religious entities, including mission boards, evangelistic agencies and
entire denominations. Even nations can be guilty of sin as nations. A
generation that does not know how to put away corporate sin is a generation
in trouble with itself and with God.” (Richard
Owen Roberts, Sanctify the Congregation, Introduction, pg. vii) |
“Altogether too little is said
about the repentance of individuals while virtually nothing is being said
about corporate repentance. In fact the evidence seems almost overwhelming
that most corporate religious entities know nothing at all about this urgent
and necessary task.” (Richard
Owen Roberts, Sanctify the Congregation,
Introduction, pg. xii) |
“We do not read in Scripture
or in history of any notable general reformation among a people, except the
leaders helped forward the work. Haggai’s and Zechariah’s sermons would
never have built the temple, if Zerubbabel and Shealtiel, both godly
magistrates, had not improved their authority to that end.” (Increase
Mather, quoted in Richard
Owen Roberts, Sanctify the Congregation, pg. 20) |
“Yet now be strong, O
Zerubbabel, saith the Lord; and be strong, O Joshua…and be strong, all ye
people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with you, saith the
Lord of hosts: according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came
out of Egypt, so My Spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not” (Haggai
2:4,5). |
In 1629, the Puritans helped establish the Massachusetts Bay
Colony. The Colony grew and began to enjoy amazing prosperity and general
welfare. With prosperity came the decline of godliness so much so that one
observer said, “Religion begot prosperity, and the daughter devoured the
mother.” Certain evident judgments began to come upon the colony. Increase
Mather wrote: “Our iniquities admit of sadder aggravations than those of
others because we sin against greater light and means and mercies than any other
people, All circumstances considered, have ever done. Therefore the Lord is
righteous in all the evils that have befallen us.” In only 50 years there was
such decline in reverence for God, in respect for man, and in morals that there
was issued a “call upon all the churches herein to send their Elders and
Messengers that they might meet in the form of a synod to make most serious
enquiry into the questions here propounded and answered.” The synod asked and
answered two questions:
Question One: “What are the evils that have provoked the
Lord to bring His judgments on New-England?”
Answer One:
“There is a great and visible decay of the power of godliness amongst many
professors in these churches. It may be feared that there is in too many a
spiritual and heart apostasy from God…” |
Answer two: “The
pride that abounds in New-England testifies against us (Hosea: 5:5; Ezekiel
7:10). There is spiritual pride (Zephaniah 3:11), From whence two great
evils and provocations have proceeded and prevailed among us…” |
Answer Three: A
neglect of the Second Commandment (“You shall not make for yourself an
idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath, or
in the water under the earth.”) “Many of the rising generation are not
mindful of the obligations their baptism engages them unto, that is to use
their utmost endeavors that they may be fit for and so partake in all the
holy ordinances of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 28:20)… |
Answer Four:
“The holy and glorious name of God has been polluted and profane among us.
This is happening by the use of oaths and imprecations in ordinary
discourse…” |
Answer Five:
“There is much Sabbath breaking…” |
Answer Six:
“There is much amiss concerning families and the government thereof. There
are many families that do not pray to God constantly, morning and evening,
and many more where the Scriptures are not daily read so that the Word of
Christ might dwell richly in them…" |
Answer Seven:
“Inordinate passions. There are sinful heats and hatreds and reproachful
and reviling expressions among church members themselves, who abound with
evil surmising, uncharitable and unrighteous censures, back-biting and
hearing and telling tales…law suits are frequent…” |
Answer Eight:
“There is much intemperance. That heathenish and idolatrous practice of
drinking tone’s health is altogether too common and the shameful iniquity
of sinful drinking is become a general provocation….the Indians have been
debauched by those that call themselves Christians, pushing their bottles on
them and making the drunk also. This is a crying sin…” |
Answer Nine:
“There is a great lack of truthfulness among men. Promise breaking is a
common sin and for it New-England is spoken ill of in the world…” |
Answer Ten:
“Inordinate affections to the world. Idolatry is a God provoking, judgment
procuring sin. And covetousness is idolatry (Ephesians 5:5)….” |
Answer Eleven:
There has been opposition to the work of reformation. Although the Lord has
been calling upon us, not only by the voice of His servants but by awful
judgments, that we should return unto Him who has been smiting us, yet men
will not return everyone from his evil way…” |
Answer Twelve:
“A Public spirit is greatly wanting in most men. There are few that are
Nehemiah’s spirit (Nehemiah 5:15)…” |
Answer Thirteen:
“There are sins against the Gospel, whereby the Lord has been provoked.
Christ is not prized and embraced in all His offices and ordinances as He
ought to be…” |
Answer Fourteen:
Finally, there are several [other] considerations…1. They are sins of
which, for the most part, a great many are guilty. 2. They are sins which
have already been acknowledged before the Lord on days of humiliation
appointed by authority and yet not reformed. 3. They are sins which have not
been punished (and some of them not punishable) by men, therefore the Lord
Himself punishes for them. |
Question Two: “What is to be done so that these evils may
be reformed?”
Answer One: “It
would tend much to promote the interest of reformation, if all that are in
places above others become, as to themselves and their families, exemplary
in every way possible. Moses, proposing to reform others, began with what
concerned himself and his own household…” |
Answer Two: “The
present standing generation, both leaders and people, is for the greater
part a different generation than was in New-England forty years ago. Thus
for us to declare our adherence unto the faith and order of the Gospel...may
be likewise a good means both to recover those that have erred from the
truth and to prevent apostasy in the future." |
Answer Three:
“It is requisite that persons not be admitted unto communion in the
Lord’s Supper without making a personal and public profession of their
faith and repentance…” |
Answer Four: “It
is essential to reformation that the discipline of Christ, in the power of
it, should be upheld to the churches.” |
Answer Five: “It
is requisite that utmost endeavors should be made to assure a full supply of
officers in the churches, according to Christ’s institution…” |
Answer Six: “It
is incumbent upon responsible persons to take care that officers of the
church have adequate encouragement and maintenance…” |
Answer Seven:
“Due care and faithfulness with respect unto the establishment and
execution of wholesome laws would very much promote the interest of
reformation.” |
Answer Eight:
“Solemn and explicit renewal of Covenant is a scriptural expedient for
reformation…” |
Answer Nine: In
renewing Covenant, it is needful that the sins of the times should be
engaged against and reformation thereof, in the name and by the help of
Christ, promised before the Lord…” |
Answer Ten: “It
is to be most conducive to edification and reformation, that in renewing
Covenant, such things as are clear and indisputable be expressed, so that
all the churches may agree in Covenanting to promote the interest of
holiness and close walking with God.” |
Answer Eleven:
“As an expedient for reformation, it is good that effectual care should be
taken respecting schools of learning. The interest of religion and good
literature have been accustomed to rise and fall together.” |
Answer Twelve:
“Inasmuch as a through and a heart-felt reformation is necessary in order
to obtain peace with God (Jeremiah 3:10) and that all outward means will be
ineffectual unto that end unless the Lord pour down His Spirit from on high,
it therefore concerns us to cry mightily unto God, both in ordinary and
extraordinary ways, that He will be pleased to rain down righteousness upon
us (Isaiah 32:5; Ezekiel 39:29; Hosea 10:12; Luke 11:13). Amen!” |
NOTE: Roberts
quotations from: Sanctify
the Congregation: A Call to the Solemn Assembly and to Corporate Repentance;
selected and edited by Richard Owen Roberts; International Awakening Press,
PO Box 232
; Copyright 1994. [Back to Text]